September 2016 Student Newsletter

Words from the Director

Russell Haffner

School Director: Russell Haffner

You are to be commended for your decision to undertake a thorough study of God’s word. You have devoted yourself to a better understanding of the Bible because you realize the importance of knowing God’s will. As you engage in this study I would encourage you to share what you learn with others. Sometimes we overlook the responsibility we have to teach God’s word. In Matthew 28:18-20 we find, “And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’ Amen.” Jesus commanded the disciples to teach others the things He had taught them. Today we have the same obligation to teach others. However, our problem is we sometimes make this more difficult and complicated than it needs to be. In its simplest form evangelism only requires extending an invitation. We invite our friends, neighbors and co-workers to examine for themselves the teachings of Christ.

One way you can do this is by telling them about the resources available at the WVBS Online Bible School (see the student comments section below for encouragement). You simply need to say something like, “The school is wonderful. I’m learning so much. You should try it.” This uncomplicated approach will help you to overcome any fear you may have when trying to talk to others about the Bible. Sometimes a kind invitation is all that is required to persuade them to investigate the teachings of God’s word. John 1:45-46 explains, “Philip found Nathanael and said to him, ‘We have found Him of whom Moses in the law, and also the prophets, wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.’ And Nathanael said to him, ‘Can anything good come out of Nazareth?’ Philip said to him, ‘Come and see.’”

So, I encourage you to tell others about the school. Talk to them about the things you have learned. Explain to them why and how you became a student. If you tell them about the benefits of the school they may decide to see for themselves the resources which are offered. Simply extend to them a special invitation.

Do Exams and Research Papers Scare You?

Perhaps you have thought about enrolling as a Formal or Informal student but you are worried that the exams and research papers will be too difficult. Please allow me to ease your fears. We attempt to make the taking of exams as simple as possible. You are allowed to download the exams at anytime and even use them as a study guide while viewing the videos. On most exams you are given the page numbers in the Course Notes and/or the scripture citation where the answers can be found.

It could be you are hesitant to upgrade your enrollment status because you don’t know how to write a research paper. There is a simple key to producing a good research paper. You should write about a topic that interests you. If you are excited about the subject you will find it much easier to write your paper. Your natural enthusiasm will enhance your efforts. As you write your paper try to put as much of yourself into it as possible. Make sure to present your thoughts and analysis based on what you have learned. Once you have chosen a topic that meets the requirements you should research what the Bible has to say about your subject. Then as you are writing you can explain what the Bible teaches and also any applications or life lessons we can learn from the verses examined. If you are writing about a character you could emphasize how their choices are similar to the choices we are called on to make today. You can write about their strength of character to emulate or even their faults to avoid.

You can also research what others have written about your topic but make sure to use your own words to explain the text. If you use quotes from other sources document it correctly by using quotation marks and by giving credit to the author in parenthesis or as a footnote. Your research paper is a great opportunity to show what you have learned from the course.

There are also other benefits if you upgrade your enrollment. Formal and Informal students not only have access to the videos and syllabus, but they also have free online viewing access to the teacher’s Course Notes and the Course Books which are published by WVBS.

If you would like to change your status click on ENROLLMENT which is on the blue menu bar at the school website. When you have reached the enrollment page please select either the Formal or Informal Student Registration button. This will provide to you a form to fill out to change your status.

If you would like to remain an Auditing Student, having no interest in upgrading your enrollment, we completely understand. We commend you on your hard work and devotion. May God bless you as you continue your studies.

"How Long Will It Take?"

It is difficult to say how long it will take to complete the 45 courses of the school. The curriculum has over 960 video lessons which are each approximately 38 minutes long. This requires over 600 hours just to view the video lessons.

To answer the question we would also need to consider the time required to read each book of the Bible as well as the assigned course books. For the Formal and Informal Students we must also add the time necessary to study and prepare for the tests and to write the research papers and other class assignments.

As you can see there is no way to determine exactly how long it will take to finish all the courses because it will depend on how much time you have each day to devote to your studies. The courses are studied at-your-own-pace and do not have an official start time, end time or duration. However, you can rest easy knowing that any time spent studying God’s word is time well spent.

August 2016 Student Newsletter

Words from the Director

Russell Haffner

School Director: Russell Haffner

Unlike some who only read their Bibles on rare occasions (during personal crises or hardship) you have devoted yourself to an on-going comprehensive study of God’s word. Some may be content to get their understanding of the Bible second-hand but you desire to know for yourself what the Bible truly teaches. You are reaping the many advantages of a regular Bible study in which you glean from the scriptures the harvest of God’s word. You continue to gain understanding because you are involved in a systematic study of the Bible with a purposed goal to comprehend God's truth. You are seeing for yourself the benefits of this approach.

In 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV) we find, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” The study of God’s word involves deep study. We are called upon to search the scriptures (John 5:39). We realize that often the information we need to gain from the text will not come easily. We must notice the details as we consider every word and phrase of the text. We must be good detectives reading the verses slowly and carefully so we do not miss what is being taught.

Our goal as we study the scriptures is understanding (Matthew 24:15). We seek the true meaning of the passage that the Bible writer intended. Our problem is that we sometimes approach God’s word with our own preconceived ideas about what we think the Bible teaches. When we employ this method we are not using the Bible as it was intended. If we allow our own preconceived ideas to guide us we will twist the meaning of the scriptures to our own destruction (2 Peter 3:16). We need to allow God’s word to say what it says not try to make it say what we think it should say or what we want it to say. The wrong approach to the scriptures will spoil any benefit we might have gained. May we open our eyes of understanding so that we might see God’s truth and walk in His way (3 John 3-4).

"I Lost My Password"

Perhaps you have lost your password and don’t know how to proceed. In our records we do not retain the passwords of the students, but there are steps you can take to reset your password if it has been lost:

  1. From the homepage of the School, select the "LOGIN" button on the blue menu bar at the school website, which will take you to the bottom of the page to the login form. 
  2. Choose the "Lost Password" link below the form. 
  3. A new page asking for your email address will be presented. Simply enter the email address you used when setting up your account, enter the random CAPTCHA code characters and then click the "Get New Password" button. 
  4. At this point an email will be sent to the email address you entered. In the email there will be a reset link to verify that you do indeed own the email address you entered. 
  5. After clicking the reset link in your email, you will be given the opportunity to create a new password. The website will auto-populate the input field with a randomly generated set of characters, but you can type-in whatever you choose. Click the "Reset Password" button, then click on the WVBS Online Bible School logo to go to the main page and login using your new password. If you experience problems in resetting your password please let us know.

Can More Than One Student Use the Same Computer?

There is no problem with two students using the same computer, however before you start your lessons make sure that you are logged-out of the other account and then login to your account. To logout of an account, first go to the Online Bible School website and scroll to the bottom of the page. If you see on the right-hand side a message that says "Welcome" to a specific student username which is not your own click the "Logout" link. You can then login using your account. If there is not a “Welcome” message, but instead a login form, then you can simply login to your account and proceed.

July 2016 Student Newsletter

Words from the Director

Russell Haffner

School Director: Russell Haffner

Thank you for enrolling in the WVBS Online Bible School. The school has been operating since February 2014 and in our short history we have experienced many blessings. Today the school is privileged to serve over 8,000 active students from more than 140 different countries. Each week we have over 120 new students enroll. Our desire is to reach as many people as possible in the world who are interested in a comprehensive study of God’s word.

The teachers in the school seek to instruct from a position of high standards, high expectations and overall excellence. The school is seeking students who possess those same values. We encourage you to raise the bar and set high objectives for yourself. Have faith in your own abilities. We feel confident you will dedicate yourself to a high academic level of achievement. You are capable, intelligent and worthy of learning the great truths of God’s word. The WVBS Online Bible School wants to provide you the academic climate that encourages self-empowerment and growth. We are prepared to provide the resources necessary to all who seek greater Bible knowledge.

We know that choosing a Bible school can be difficult. It is one of the biggest decisions you can make. We take seriously the responsibility of training students for a lifetime of service in Christ’s kingdom, and we hope to provide you with all the information you need for your spiritual growth. We welcome the opportunity to connect with you and to discuss how to serve you better. If you have any questions or if you would like more information please do not hesitate to contact me.

How To Start Your Lessons

Perhaps you have enrolled in the school but have yet to start your first course. Beginning your studies is easy to do. Once you login to your account simply choose the course you would like to study from the “Course Schedule” option located on the blue menu bar of the school website. The “Course Schedule” reflects the designated order that Formal Students must follow. Informal and Auditing Students are recommended, but not required, to follow this schedule.

Once you have selected the course you desire you then need to register for the course by clicking the “Register” button located on the course page. Once this is done you will have full online access to the course. You can begin watching the videos immediately by clicking the “Lesson 1” link. From each lesson page you will be able to view a 30-40 minute video lesson presentation.

If you are a Formal or Informal Student you will also notice tabs on the course page for Description, Syllabus, Course Notes, Course Books and Tests. Click on the appropriate tab and the document will be displayed. These materials are provided to Formal and Informal Students completely free. If you desire printed pages, there is a “Print” button located to the upper-right of the displayed document where you can print personal copies.

You may register and begin viewing the courses at anytime. There is no official start time for any of the courses. They are always available - 24/7. On the “Course Schedule” you will notice we have all courses available for immediate online viewing except Daniel. We hope to have the Daniel course available in a few months.

Meet The Faculty

The quality of the school is seen in the exceptional talent of its teachers. We are honored to have Denny Petrillo as part of the school’s faculty. He always does a wonderful job bringing to you instruction from the word of God.

Professor Petrillo teaches several of our courses including Job, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Ezekiel, Minor Prophets, Matthew and John. Denny is a preacher, ministry trainer, and president of the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver, Colorado. Denny began his work at Bear Valley in 1985 after teaching at York College and Magnolia Bible College and preaching for churches in Mississippi, Arkansas, Nebraska and Colorado. He has been a minister for over 30 years and has degrees from York, Harding University and Harding Graduate School of Religion as well as a doctorate in religious education from the University of Nebraska. We are honored to have him on the staff of the school.

June 2016 Student Newsletter

Words from the Director

Russell Haffner

School Director: Russell Haffner

I trust this letter finds you in great spirits and enjoying life’s many wonderful blessings. For new students, welcome to the school. Our goal is to provide you a positive, dynamic and comprehensive resource for studying God’s word. We are eager to share with you the opportunities and advantages the school provides.

For current students, the focus is your continued spiritual growth as you pursue your education in the school. We want you to have a rewarding experience as you avail yourself of the materials provided. We understand there are many challenges in today’s life, so we want to make sure you have the educational resources necessary to prepare yourself spiritually for the life to come.

I strongly encourage all students to diligently pursue continued progress in your studies. Paul told the brethren in the region of Galatia, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (Galatians 6:9). There is a great harvest of knowledge to be gained as you study the course material. I want to do all I can to assist you in your efforts to learn more of God’s word. I am honored to serve you and would be pleased to answer any questions you may have concerning the school or the course materials.

How Long Will It Take?

It is difficult to say how long it will take to complete the courses. The curriculum has 45 courses with over 960 video lessons which are each approximately 38 minutes long. This would require over 600 hours just to view all the lessons. You would also need to consider the time needed to read each book of the Bible as well as the assigned course books. To this you must add the time needed to study and prepare yourself to take the tests and write the term papers and other class assignments.

As you can see there is no way to determine how long it will take for you to finish all the courses because the courses are studied at-your-own-pace and do not have any official start time, end time or duration. It will depend on how much time you have each day to devote to your studies. There are no limits on how many times you can access the courses as you view and study them. I am looking forward to working with you as you study God's word.

Course News

We are pleased to say that of the 45 courses of the curriculum we currently offer 44 for free online. Our final course (Daniel) should be online within the next few months. We also have all the tests available for our Formal and Informal Students to download directly from each course page. These students have online access not only to the course description and syllabus, but also the course notes, course books (which WVBS publishes), and tests. If you are an Auditing student, now would be a great time to enroll as either a Formal or Informal Student so you could also enjoy these great resources.

May 2016 Student Newsletter

Words from the Director

Russell Haffner

School Director: Russell Haffner

I would like to commend you on your decision to engage in an in-depth study of God’s word. Too many people go through this life never achieving their full potential, and never fulfilling God’s desire for their life. However, as a student of the school you are taking a vital step which will dramatically shape your future. It is important that you realize the possibilities represented by the choice you have made. Instead of wandering through a meaningless unfulfilled life you have, to a large extent, determined to insure for yourself a victorious future. An education in God’s word provides an opportunity for you to gain not only knowledge but also satisfaction, contentment, peace and if obeyed eternal life in heaven.

The Rewards of Hard Work

Please realize that success in the school requires hard work, dedication and sacrifice. As the old saying goes, nothing worthwhile is ever easy. And this is certainly true of a Bible education. A comprehensive understanding of God’s word requires time and effort.

I would encourage you to make your understanding of the scriptures your top priority. Don't allow yourself to be defeated by distractions. There will be moments when you think it is too hard, moments when you doubt your abilities, but this is normal. We all have our doubts at times. However, you must not let the doubts themselves defeat you. Press on through the uncertainty and keep your eyes on the goal.

There may be times when a particular course seems too hard. The work required may seem impossible to accomplish. If it looks like the school is beyond your abilities, decide to at least give it your best effort. If the work proves to be too much, so be it, but don’t let your doubts defeat you. It is hard to live with the lingering regret that you did not succeed simply because you did not give yourself a fair chance to achieve your goal.

Making God a Priority

If your life becomes busy and you find that you are not viewing the video lessons like you once did, make a concentrated decision to redouble your efforts. Make time for your studies and then guard that time against all distractions. Give priority to your exploration of God’s word. There will always be pressure from the frenzied pace of life but your work in the school must have its dedicated place on your schedule.

You can achieve your goal, but it will require effort. Take confidence in knowing that all the hard work and effort will be worth it as you continue to increase your knowledge of God’s glorious truth. The future is yours. May God bless you as you seek to learn and understand His truth.

Past Newsletters

You may not be aware that on the school website we provide an archive of our past “Student Newsletters” for your convenience. The monthly newsletters are prepared to encourage you and inform you concerning the current events and opportunities of the school. If you examine the archived material you will find many interesting topics such as:

Three Levels of Enrollment

Formal Students follow a required course order designed to make their progression through the Bible easier. They also have free online viewing access to Course Notes, Course Books and Tests. Their assignments include viewing all lessons, writing term papers and taking written exams. All assignments are sent in via email to the WVBS Online Bible School to be graded. Graded material is returned to the students in an email attachment for their own records and future edification. When all course requirements are successfully accomplished Formal Students are issued a certificate of completion for that course. They receive a diploma when they have successfully completed all required courses.

Informal Students have the same requirements for each course and cover the same material but they are able to choose in which order to take the courses. Informal Students receive certificates for each course successfully completed but no diploma is awarded.

Audit Students are not required to do the course work such as exams or term papers. They are allowed to take the courses in any order they desire. Audit Students do not have access to Course Notes, Tests, or Course Books and do not receive certificates for the courses nor a diploma when they finish viewing all course.

If you would like to commit yourself to working toward a graduation diploma then we recommend upgrading to Formal Student status. To change your status you will need to click on “ENROLLMENT” which is on the blue menu bar at the school website. When you have reached the enrollment page please select the Formal Student Registration button. This will provide to you a form to fill out to change your status.

April 2016 Student Newsletter

Words from the Director

Russell Haffner

School Director: Russell Haffner

The WVBS Online Bible School is designed as an online only education facility. There are no live classes and no physical campus to visit. However, all across the world in homes, offices, schools or internet cafes people are going online to study God’s word using WVBS material. As an online school our desire has always been to provide an in-depth comprehensive Bible education through the convenience of the internet. The school is designed so that as a student you can do all things required easily online. The school provides a learning opportunity to those who want a focused, organized and intensive study of the Bible.

I am delighted that you have the desire to devote yourself to a deep study of God’s word. Perhaps you are anxious and maybe even a little nervous about the courses, but I hope you are also eager, excited and full of anticipation. You are preparing yourself for the battle against evil in our world. You are training yourself to effectively spread the good news of salvation. I understand and share in your excitement. I expect wonderful things from you both now and in the future. Because of your dedication to grow in your knowledge of the scriptures God is able to use you for great accomplishments for His glory.

Discount On Videos

If you are an active Formal or Informal Student who is not able to go online to view the courses, or simply wants to have the course DVD’s for your own library, you may purchase the course DVD’s at half of the web store's regular price. This is for Formal or Informal Students only. When you order the course DVD’s you must include your student ID number in the "Company" field of you billing address to receive the discount. If your ID Number is not included you will be charged full price. The discount will be applied after you are verified as a student.

The notebooks are not discounted because of the cost of postage and production. There is also no discount on DVD's and books not used in the school. However, there is a student discount for the course notes on USB flash drive. If you desire to purchase the Course Notes on USB Flashdrive for the discounted price of $49 (regularly $99) you must call: 512-398-5211 and ask for the student discount (you will need a credit card and your student ID number). Thank you for your interest in our material.

Invitation To Auditing Students

We would like to take this opportunity to invite all Auditing Students to upgrade their enrollment status to either an Informal or Formal Student level. Consider the advantages. Informal and Formal Students not only have free online access to the course videos, but also free online access to the teacher’s Course Notes, Course Books (required textbooks that we publish) and Tests.

Formal Students follow a set Course Schedule which is designed to make their progression through the Bible easier. Their assignments include viewing all lessons, writing term papers and taking exams. Upon completion of all course requirements you are issued a certificate of completion. You receive a graduation diploma when you have successfully completed all required courses.

If you choose to be an Informal Student the requirements for each course are the same but you will be able to choose which courses you want to take and you may take them in any order you desire. Informal Students will receive certificates for each course but no diploma will be awarded.

To change your status make sure you are logged-in, then select MY DASHBOARD located on the blue menu bar at the school website. When you do so you will see your current Enrollment status, as well as options for other student levels. Simply select the level you prefer and you will be given the application form to fill out to change your status.

If you want to remain an Auditing Student we completely understand. We commend you for your hard work and devotion. May God bless you as you continue to learn more.

March 2016 Student Newsletter

Words from the Director

Russell Haffner

School Director: Russell Haffner

As you study in the WVBS Online Bible School you will soon discover that the level of instruction is equal to and even far superior to many degree granting seminaries and colleges. The school faculty has years of combined study and experience teaching these courses in a classroom setting. Every instructor who teaches in the school is presently, or has been, an instructor in a Bible training school. These men are among the finest teachers available today.

One such faculty member is Chuck Horner. He teaches several of our courses including Genesis, Exodus, Isaiah, Mark, James and more. Professor Horner is an alumnus of Drake University located in the United States in Des Moines, Iowa, where he majored in actuary science and minored in accounting. He graduated from the Bear Valley School of Preaching of Denver in 1974. He has served on the administrations of York College and the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver. He served both as an instructor and as director in the Southwest School of Biblical Studies in Austin, Texas. In the fall of 1986 he helped start World Video Bible School where he currently serves as an instructor and trustee.

We are honored to have Chuck Horner as a part of the school’s faculty. He always does an outstanding job bringing to you instruction from God’s word (see student comments below). The quality of the school is seen in the exceptional talent of its teachers. To God be the glory.

How To Start Your Lessons

Perhaps you have enrolled in the school but have yet to start your first course. Beginning your studies is easy to do. First, you simply need to choose the course you would like to study from the “Course Schedule” option located on the blue menu bar of the school website. The “Course Schedule” order reflects the designated order that Formal Students must follow. Informal and Auditing Students are recommended, but not required, to follow this schedule.

Once you have selected the course you will then need to register for the course by clicking the “Register” button located on the course page. Once this is done you will have full online access to the course. You can begin watching the videos immediately. Simply click the “Lesson 1” link. From each lesson page you will be able to view a 30-40 minute video lesson.

If you are a Formal or Informal Student you will also notice tabs on the course page for Description, Syllabus, Course Notes, Course Books and Tests. Click on the appropriate tab and the document will be displayed. These materials are provided to Formal and Informal Students completely free. If you desire printed pages, there is a “Print” button located to the upper-right of the displayed document where you can print personal copies.

You may register and begin viewing the courses at anytime. There is no official start time for any of the courses. They are always available - 24/7. On the “Course Schedule” you will notice we have all courses available for immediate online viewing except Daniel. We hope to have the Daniel course available in the months to come.

Fifth Bible Land Passages Now Available

Have you ever wished to visit the Bible lands? If you are not able to make the journey yourself the next best thing could be watching these programs. These instructional video presentations, shot on location, let you explore many of the religious and historical sites in Israel, Jordan and Palestine. They are produced by WVBS and are completely free to view online.

  • "Passage 1 | Jerusalem: An Unforgettable City" is a 26-minute documentary about the significance and grandeur of the ancient city of Jerusalem, and its relationship to biblical history and thought.
  • "Passage 2 | The Ministry of Jesus in Northern Israel" is a 17-minute video which explores three famous sites involved in Jesus’ public ministry: Cana, the Mount of Beatitudes, and Caesarea Philippi.
  • "Passage 3 | Dan: City of Unfaithfulness" is a 17-minute documentary showing the significance of Dan as a center of idolatry and unfaithfulness to God.
  • "Passage 4 | In the Shadow of Gilboa: Reaping & Sowing" is a 23-minute video which examines several biblical events that occurred in and around Mt. Gilboa, Beit Shan, and the Jezreel and Harod Valleys.
  • "Passage 5 | Treasures of Qumran: The Dead Sea Scrolls" is a 24-minute documentary offering the viewer a tour of the home of an ancient Jewish sect thought responsible for producing the Dead Sea Scrolls. We examine three magnificent treasures: the devotion of Qumran’s inhabitants, the place they called home, and the oldest copies of the Hebrew Bible ever discovered.

These videos may be found under the "About" option on the blue menu bar by clicking the “Recommended Videos” link. When you click this button you will be taken to a page which will be continually updated with information concerning free videos available for online viewing which may be of interest to you.

February 2016 Student Newsletter

Words from the Director

Russell Haffner (Director)

School Director: Russell Haffner

There are many challenges we face in this life. Some come to us through the normal events of our day, but others are those we seek out. We sometimes look for ways to better ourselves. When we accept these challenges we are granted an opportunity for improvement and growth. This is especially true in our spiritual lives. In the Bible we find many examples of great men and women of faith who accepted the challenge of spiritual growth.

Abraham was not afraid to accept the challenge to leave family and friends behind to look for a better country promised to him by God. Hebrews 11:8-10 tells us, “By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going. By faith he dwelt in the land of promise as in a foreign country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise; for he waited for the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God. We also notice that Abraham was promised blessings if he would accept the challenge (Genesis 12:1-3). His courage was rewarded and our courage will be rewarded today.

What characteristics are seen in those who are willing to challenge themselves? When we look to the heroes and heroines found in God’s word we find they had faith, determination, commitment, perseverance and dedication. They were motivated by their faith and trust in God.

Meeting the challenges of life always requires work. We are told in 1 Corinthians 15:58 to be "steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord." We understand that accepting the challenge of spiritual growth is an ongoing daily effort. Jesus said that if we desire to follow Him we must deny ourselves and take up His cross daily (Luke 9:23).

Your work in the school is a great benefit to your spiritual life. You have challenged yourself to learn more about God’s word and as a result your faith is growing. I commend you for your devotion and commitment. My hope is that God blesses you as you seek to grow in your knowledge of the scriptures.

Special Offer From WVBS

Our friends at WVBS have made available a special offer to the school. They are willing to sell their Course Notes on USB Flashdrive for a discounted price of $49 to all Informal and Formal students. The printed spiral bound notebooks are not discounted because of the cost of postage and production. There is also no discount on DVD's and books which are not part of the school’s curriculum.

The Course Notes on USB Flashdrive is like a large, searchable Bible commentary with over 18,000 pages of material. It contains notes on every book of the Bible, 76 notebook titles covering various Bible topics, over 200 sermon outlines (most with sheet illustrations) and over 10 books! A powerful search engine makes it simple to locate words or phrases throughout the notes. The material is in Adobe Reader (PDF) format and can be read on your computer screen or printed out on your printer.

If you are an active “Formal” or “Informal” student and desire to purchase the Course Notes on USB Flashdrive for the discounted price of $49 you must include your student ID number in the "Company" field of your billing address to receive the discount. If your ID Number is not included you will be charged full price. If you do not order online you may call: (512) 398-5211 and ask for the student discount (you will need a credit card and your student ID number). When you order, the discount will be applied after you are verified as a student.

Student Comments

"How wonderful it is learning the word of God. I feel very satisfied learning and reading the Bible. Thank you so much for offering this study of the Bible." (New Zealand)

"I am greatly benefiting from the wealth of knowledge I am deriving from each and every course offered by your institution." (South Africa)

"I'm doing this to get more knowledge of the Bible so I can become a preacher. I've had an interest since I was baptized to Preach God’s word." (West Virginia)

"Thank you Mr. Haffner, these courses are such a blessing!! I am enjoying them all so much and learning so much and thanking God for His provision. Thanks and God Bless you richly." (Canada)

"Great lessons, thank you for the work you all have put in to creating these!" (Texas, USA)

Philosophy of the School

The WVBS Online Bible School is designed to provide students with an online, comprehensive, in-depth study of the Bible. The lessons are pure non-denominational teaching based on an accurate "drawing out" of what the Bible teaches, not reading into the text what someone might think it teaches. The courses cover every book in the Bible, plus four additional subjects which help you in your understanding of the scriptures (The Bible from God to Us, Hermeneutics, Christian Evidences, and Greek). The school is designed for anyone who wants a focused, organized and thorough study of the Bible.

January 2016 Student Newsletter

Words from the Director

Russell Haffner

School Director: Russell Haffner

As the school begins a new year we welcome those who have newly enrolled and salute those who continue their studies. I encourage you to press on diligently and never doubt that you can fulfill your desire to complete the WVBS Online Bible School!

I realize that students enroll for many different reasons: 

  • To grow closer to God
  • To increase their knowledge of the Bible
  • To learn how to improve their spiritual service
  • To discover and develop their talents for the Lord
  • To learn how to become a better leader, teacher or member of the church

Regardless of your reason for studying with us I am glad you have chosen to be a part of the WVBS Online Bible School. I commend you for your desire to have a deeper understanding of God’s word. You have set an admirable goal in your life and I will do all I can to encourage you during your journey.

View a world map of currently enrolled students:

Optional Videos Now Available For Genesis Course

Students will now have free access to four exciting new videos covering Noah’s Ark and the Global Flood. These optional videos are provided as supplemental information to the Genesis Course. When you register for the Genesis Course you will find these videos on the Genesis Course page as well as the page for Genesis Lesson 6 which corresponds to the covering of this topic.

Throughout history Noah’s Ark and the Global Flood have been the focus of famous artwork, scholarly discussions, written works and public dramatizations. While some have accurately upheld the Genesis account, many more have distorted and abused the facts until subsequent generations struggle to determine fact from fiction. In order to distinguish the truth about Noah’s Ark, and to clear the fog-of-confusion, Branyon May (Ph.D.) plainly addresses the facts and clearly demonstrates “The Reality of Noah’s Ark.” This two-hour video series contains four parts addressing (1) the Ark, (2) the Animals, (3) the Global Flood, and (4) the story of Noah. Each part contains stunning visuals and concrete examples to strengthen your faith.

The Ark (26 minutes). When you think about the reality of Noah’s Ark, you might have questions about its size, its construction or its cargo. Have you ever asked, “Did Noah and his sons really build the Ark? Did they really live on it with all those animals for months? Or, how about the BIG question, How large was the Ark? Well, on these questions, we don’t have to be left wondering. In the Bible, God gives very precise details to Noah, especially on the question of how large the Ark was to be.

The Animals (26 minutes). Have you ever heard the questions: “How did Noah and his small family find and trap the animals? How did Noah transport the animals and house them all on the Ark?” These questions are common, but there is a problem with each. They are based on scenarios which do not come from the Bible and are not based on scientific facts. In studying the reality of Noah's Ark and its animals, we have to consider exactly what the Bible describes about this event.

The Global Flood (33 minutes). How big was the Great Flood found in the Bible? Was it a local flood affecting only the region around the Black Sea? Or, was it a global flood covering the entire world? As we consider these questions we need to focus on how the Bible describes this event. Join us as we look at internal and external evidences for the biblical flood: from the Bible’s precise terminology and descriptions, God’s detailed instructions to Noah, and life’s preservation.

The Story of Noah (39 minutes). Noah was born into a sinful and morally unraveling world. The Bible describes a world filled with violence, wickedness and corruption. How did the world fall into such awful conditions? What were the challenges that faced Noah and his wife, as they tried to raise their family? What was the path God wanted them to follow? Consider the biblical account of Noah's life and response to God.

Student Comments

"This school is the best. It helps me with my walk with God." (Missouri, USA)

"I'm looking forward to learning more with a systematic study of the Bible." (Qatar)

"Thank you so much sir. I hope to increase in knowledge and understanding and pray to gain wisdom." (West Virginia, USA)

"Thanks brethren for admission into the school. I hope I can do better and grow spiritually in God and preach His word." (India)

"I would like to learn more about the Bible to be able to answer questions for others and have knowledge to pass on that I can verify with the Bible." (Alabama, USA)

Fourth Bible Land Passages Video Now Available

Have you ever wished to visit the Bible lands? If you are not able to make the journey yourself the next best thing could be watching these programs. These instructional video presentations, shot on location, let you explore many of the religious and historical sites in Israel, Jordan and Palestine. They are produced by WVBS and are completely free to view online.

  • "Passage 1 | Jerusalem: An Unforgettable City" is a 26-minute documentary about the significance and grandeur of the ancient city of Jerusalem, and its relationship to biblical history and thought.
  • "Passage 2 | The Ministry of Jesus in Northern Israel" is a 17-minute video which explores three famous sites involved in Jesus’ public ministry: Cana, the Mount of Beatitudes, and Caesarea Philippi.
  • "Passage 3 | Dan: City of Unfaithfulness" is a 17-minute documentary showing the significance of Dan as a center of idolatry and unfaithfulness to God.
  • "Passage 4 | In the Shadow of Gilboa: Reaping & Sowing" is the newest video in the series and shows epic events in the life of the Israelite people during the time of the Judges and Kings of ancient Israel. Recorded on location in northern Israel, this 23-minute video examines several biblical events that occurred in and around Mt. Gilboa, Beit Shan, and the Jezreel and Harod Valleys. The lessons taught in these places offer truths as enduring as the beautiful settings in which they occurred. The achievements of Gideon and the tragic demise of King Saul are revealed in this thrilling documentary about what happens when you either sow to the Spirit or sow to the flesh.

These videos may be found under the "About" option on the blue menu bar by clicking the Recommended Videos link. When you click this button you will be taken to a page which will be continually updated with information concerning free videos available for online viewing which may be of interest to you.

December 2015 Student Newsletter

Words from the Director

Russell Haffner

School Director: Russell Haffner

This is the time of year when some like to make New Year’s resolutions. A resolution is a firm decision to do or not do something such as losing weight, saving more money, overcoming a destructive addiction, or perhaps working on relationships. Some may question the value of making resolutions but it is certainly helpful to examine our lives and look for areas which could use improvement. 2 Corinthians 13:5 says, “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified.”

Allow me to suggest that for the coming year we should each resolve to study our Bibles more. There is nothing better for us than an improved understanding and more complete following of the teachings found in God’s word. The WVBS Online Bible School provides a wonderful opportunity to gain a better understanding of the will of God. It provides the structured systematic approach we all need to help us in our study of the scriptures. So let’s take advantage of the benefits provided by the school and make 2016 a great year!

The Power of God's Word

In the year 1800 Alessandro Volta invented a remarkable device which still has a staggering influence on our lives today - the first practical battery. Imagine what the world would be like without this often overlooked and underappreciated invention. The ability of a battery to store power gives us the freedom of mobility we often take for granted in our fast-paced daily schedules. There is a battery in our cars, mobile phones, laptops, tablets, etc. The instantaneous and convenient power provided by a battery is truly amazing.

In a way the gospel is also a source of power and can even be stored-up like a battery. Paul said in Romans 1:16, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” Paul makes it clear that the “gospel of Christ” (the good news of His death burial and resurrection - 1 Corinthians 15:1-3) is “the power of God unto salvation.” When the purity and simplicity of the gospel message is taught and obeyed it brings about salvation. The gospel truth is full of power and like a battery its power can be stored.

As a student of the school you are storing-up the power of the gospel in your heart and mind like a battery stores energy. And if your “Bible” battery begins to lose energy you can recharge it repeatedly with more study of God’s word. This wonderful power is always on hand and ready to be used. The knowledge is available when you are talking with friends or even when you are confronted by a skeptic. God’s word stands as a constant help in your daily life. In Psalm 119:11 the psalmist declared to God, “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Store up God’s word in your heart today and tap into the greatest source of power.

Student Comments

"I have been working on a couple of the courses and have been so impressed with the content that I truly wish to pursue working my way through the entire program. What is being provided is immensely valuable to anyone serious about Bible study."

"I love everything on this site and I want to learn about the word of God."

"I am learning so much from your years of hard work in these scriptures and I appreciate it so much. It is amazing how I study the Word continuously year after year and yet receive knowledge of things I have overlooked. Thank you."
(Georgia, USA)

"Thank you so much! I am really enjoying this course. I love it. I love learning about God and studying His word. Thanks to you and the team for helping me with this course. I am truly grateful."
(New Zealand)

"Thank You for this wonderful opportunity to study the Bible and get back into learning something formally. I look forward to using my knowledge and sharing it with others."
(Minnesota, USA)

Extra Resources on the School Website

There may be resources on the school website which you have not noticed or have yet to investigate. Please take some time to explore the website. You may discover some things which are not only of interest to you but also extremely helpful.

November 2015 Student Newsletter

Words from the Director

Russell Haffner

School Director: Russell Haffner

Thank you so much for your participation in the school. Your good efforts are appreciated. I hope you are enjoying the courses and pray that God continues to bless you as you study His word. As a student, you know better than anyone the value of these courses.

I hope you are excited about the school and eager to tell others about the free resources which are provided. The school is truly a new and exciting opportunity to study God’s word. Our lives are filled with opportunities to point others toward God’s word. It seems this time of year especially brings to us chances to reconnect with family and friends. This can provide a convenient time to tell them about the free resources available in the online school. When you tell them about your remarkable experience they will probably encourage you, but they may even decide to join you as an enrolled student of the school.

There are so many in the world seeking a better understanding of the Bible. Who knows, maybe you can be the one to bring the study of God’s word into the life of someone close to you. Your influence is indispensible in reaching those who may be seeking a better understanding of God's truth. Thank you for your efforts in this great cause for the Lord.

Statement of Faith?

The WVBS Online Bible School has no statement of faith, creed book or religious manual. The only statement of a Christian’s faith which is needed is the Bible. If the statement of faith says less than the Bible it has left something out. If the statement of faith says more than the Bible it has added to God’s word (Revelation 22:18-19). Let us abandon the opinions of men and seek to practice and teach only that which is found in God’s word. The staff of the school is composed of Christians seeking to teach others about the Bible. The material produced is designed to be used by anybody seeking a greater understanding of God’s word.

The goal of the school is to serve God and His people by doing His will to the best of our ability. We have a genuine desire to glorify the Father, His beloved Son, His word and His blood-bought church and not to glorify ourselves or any other men.

Student Comments

"Dear Mr Haffner and the WVBS Online Bible School team I just want to thank God and you for this Bible school. l have just finished the book of Genesis and l have learned a lot. Thank you very much. The school is such a blessing to me and l am really enjoying the teachings. And thank you very much for making this Bible school free it really helped me because l wanted to study the Word of God but l was not able to afford to go to college to do so. But l give thanks to God because through the school my prayers are answered l am now able to study the Word of God. Once again thank you."
(South Africa)

"Thank you. I ask GOD to guide me in everything I do. And you help me more than you know. Thank you. I think the WVBS Online Bible School is the best thing that has ever happened to mankind."

"I chose to learn from the word of God through the WVBS Online Bible School because of the clarity the Genesis Professor speaks. Thanks to take into consideration people whose first language is not English. My first language is Spanish and I am not fully bilingual but I defend myself really well and with the help of God and the Holy Spirit I think I can do this. God bless!"
(Puerto Rico)

"This is the best way I know to continue my study of God's Word."

"As a missionary family on the foreign field, we are always thankful to find solid educational resources online for free. They are a true blessing to us and a huge help in homeschooling our daughters."

Courses Offered

The WVBS Online Bible School is a self-paced online video correspondence school. It is designed for students who want a focused, organized and intensive study of the Bible. In the school we cover every book in the Bible as well as a few other Bible related subjects. We feel these additional topics will enhance the student’s understanding of the Bible.

The Christian Evidences Course is a survey of the logical reasons for believing in God’s existence and in the inspiration of the Bible. The purpose of this course is to examine the many evidences upon which Christianity rests, to provide a rich, in-depth study of God’s word, and to provide convincing proof, both from internal and external sources, of the Bible’s claim as the word of God.

The Hermeneutics Course is an in-depth study of biblical hermeneutics (principles of Bible interpretation). The course provides practical application of the rules and methods involved. The student who successfully completes the course will understand the relationship between faith and proper interpretation, the requirements of in-depth Bible study and the pitfalls of faulty interpretation.

The purpose of the Greek Course is to introduce the linguistic fundamentals of the Greek language of the New Testament. The course will introduce and familiarize the student with the general concepts for utilizing the Greek New Testament, acquaint students with the use of lexical aids and educate students about the use of the Greek word studies in sermons, classes and devotional preparation.

The Bible: From God To Us Course is an in-depth study of the inspiration, canonization, transmission and translation of the biblical text. Though technical in nature this is also a marvelous faith building course. The evidence presented in the course is overwhelming that we do have today an accurately preserved text of both the Old and New Testaments and that both are exactly what they claim to be – written by the hand of God.

These courses are available completely free on the internet. We are using the latest technology available to ensure the most effective presentations. Our desire is to provide online Bible instruction to anyone who wishes to learn more about God's word. The instructors are faithful and biblically sound Christian men. The content of the lessons is pure non-denominational teaching based on accurate exegesis of the Bible.

October 2015 Student Newsletter

Words from the Director

Russell Haffner

School Director: Russell Haffner

My hope is that your experience in the school is both enjoyable and rewarding. I would also encourage you to share your newfound knowledge with others. Christians are called by God's word to serve (Galatians 5:13; Matthew 25:31-46). The greatest service we can provide is sharing our knowledge of the scriptures with those who do not understand or have yet to hear the soul saving truth.

On the masthead of the school website you will see a prominently placed Bible verse. Second Timothy 2:2 reads, "And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also." This verse constantly reminds me of the goal for the ongoing efforts of the school. There is a profound responsibility to pass on the truth of God's word to others.

All who are involved in the efforts of the school believe strongly that comprehensive, in-depth, Bible study is for everyone, not just a select few. An accurate understanding of God's word is vital for successful Christian living. Therefore, the school was created to provide free, online, Bible instruction so that all might gain a deeper understanding of the scriptures. The curriculum is designed to promote both intellectual and spiritual growth, realizing that the two should never be separated but are complementary and mutually dependent.

While the school can be a great tool for training ministers, church leaders and Bible class teachers, it also provides great resources for anyone who wants to simply study God's word and grow in understanding of His will. We are all called by God to know His word (2 Timothy 2:15), to live in accordance to it (Matthew 7:21-27; James 1:21-22) and to tell others about it (Mark 16:15-16; 2 Timothy 4:2). May God bless you as you seek to fulfill His will in your life.

Recommended Videos

Have you ever wished to visit the Bible lands? If you are not able to make the journey yourself the next best thing could be watching the following programs. These instructional video presentations, shot on location, let you explore many of the religious and historical sites in Israel, Jordan and Palestine. They are produced by WVBS and are completely free to view online.

The first recommended video is "Passage 1 | Jerusalem: An Unforgettable City." We received many positive responses from students concerning the quality and content of this video.

The second video in the series is "Passage 2 | The Ministry of Jesus in Northern Israel." Like the first this is a short lesson, less than thirty minutes long, but it contains a wealth of information.

The third video in the series is now available. It is called "Passage 3 | Dan: City of Unfaithfulness." This 17-minute documentary shows the significance of Dan as a center of idolatry and unfaithfulness to God. Important aspects of Dan are explored. First, its location in the northern section of Israel helped to define the extent of the land controlled by the Israelites. Second, the modern site of Dan is important because of the archaeological discoveries that have been made. What archaeologists have unearthed really helps us to have a better understanding of both Old Testament life and the full veracity of the Bible. Third, the site of Dan is very important because of the evidence of idolatrous practices confirming the Bible's description of their unfaithfulness and loss of identity as God's people.

These videos may be found under the "About" option on the blue menu bar by clicking the Recommended Videos link. When you click this button you will be taken to a page which will be continually updated with information concerning free videos available for online viewing which may be of interest to you.

What About The Syllabus?

The syllabus for each course is provided to serve as a roadmap for the class. It identifies specific course content, goals and focus. The syllabus also includes basic course information, a course rationale and course objectives. The syllabus for each course can be found on its course page. You will notice tabs below the title thumbnail for "Description" and "Syllabus". When you click on the appropriate tab the document will be displayed. If you desire a printed copy of the syllabus, there is a “Print” button located to the upper-right of the displayed document where you can print personal copies.

As you read the syllabus you will find general information about the course such as the instructor, the number of video lessons and the approximate length of each lesson. You will also find a description of the course and the purpose of the course. You will be informed concerning the necessary materials provided for the course such as video lessons, course notes and course books. Formal and Informal Students have the Course Notes and Course Books provided to them for free online viewing. These students have chosen to do the required assignments for the courses so they can earn a certificate. Their course assignments include not only viewing all the lessons but also completing term papers and tests.

I often find that students are hesitant to upgrade their enrollment to the Formal or Informal status simply because they do not want to take tests. However, the opportunity to be tested on the information learned is one of the most valuable elements of the school. When you prepare yourself to take the test you gain a deeper understanding of those things learned. The information is better grasped and retained in your mind.

We attempt to make the taking of tests as painless as possible. The students are allowed to download the tests at anytime and may use the tests as a study guide while viewing the videos. On most tests the student is provided the page number in the course notes where the answer can be found. The numbers in brackets [ ] after each question on the test are the page numbers in the course notes and/or the scripture citation that the question is based upon.

The goal is to make the school as user-friendly as possible. The syllabus for each course and course tests are great examples of helpful resources provided for your benefit. Thanks be to God for the opportunity to engage in a comprehensive study of His word.

September 2015 Student Newsletter

Words from the Director

Russell Haffner

School Director: Russell Haffner

Proverbs 18:15 tells us, "An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge." You have shown from your heart that you have a desire to learn. Your wisdom is shown because your ears are open to listen to instruction. I commend you for the decision you have made and promise that we will always seek to give you the most accurate, comprehensive and in-depth Bible study possible.

To those who are new students allow me to say I am delighted to welcome you to the WVBS Online Bible School. I am happy to report each week we average approximately 100 new students enrolling in the school. Everyone here is happy that you have chosen to study God's word using the resources of the school. We wish you much success as you fulfill your goals as a student to learn more from God's word and your place in His world.

You are now part of an internationally rich and diverse student body of over 6,000 students representing more than 100 different countries. We are so pleased that you are here, and on behalf of the WVBS Online Bible School I wish you the very best as you study in the school. We look forward to working with you.

Recommended Videos

You may have noticed we have been adding extra features to the school's website. For instance, under the "About" option on the blue menu bar we have added links to Recommended Videos. The Recommended Videos button will take you to a page which will be continually updated with information concerning free videos available for online viewing which may be of interest to you.

The first recommended video was "Passage 1 | Jerusalem: An Unforgettable City" ( We received many positive responses from students concerning the quality and content of this video.

We are pleased to announce that the second video in the series is now available to freely view online. It is entitled "Passage 2 | The Ministry of Jesus in Northern Israel." Like the first this is a short lesson, less than thirty minutes long, but it contains a wealth of information.

Have you ever wished to visit the Bible lands? If you are not able to make the journey yourself the next best thing could be watching these programs. These instructional video presentations, shot on location, let you explore many of the religious and historical sites in Israel, Jordan and Palestine. They are produced by WVBS and are completely free to view online.

How Long?

I am often asked, "How long will it take for me to complete the school?" That is a very difficult question to answer. The curriculum has 45 courses with over 960 video lessons which are each approximately 38 minutes long. This would require around 560 hours just to view all the lessons. The Formal and Informal students would also need to consider the time required to read each book of the Bible as well as the assigned course books. To this they would add the time needed to study and prepare to take the tests and write the term papers and other class assignments.

As you can see there is no way to determine how long it will take to finish all the courses because the courses are studied at-your-own-pace and do not have any official start time, end time or duration. It will depend on how much time you have each day to devote to your studies.

There is a wealth of information offered in the school. The courses provide you 45 opportunities to deepen your Bible knowledge. It may seem overwhelming but like a marathon runner if you continue with perseverance you will be able to finish the race and complete all 45 courses.

August 2015 Student Newsletter

Words from the Director

School Director: Russell Haffner

The mark of distinction for any Bible school lies in the quality of the product it delivers for the benefit of the world. If a school is to be effective the curriculum must be sound, comprehensive and practical. I am sure this is what you were looking for when you first came upon the school.

What makes a particular Bible school stand out from among the crowd? It takes an exemplary faculty using clear and logical teaching methods stressing the fundamentals of the faith to attract top-quality students like yourself. Quite simply, this is the level of education offered at the WVBS Online Bible School and this is what sets us apart from the crowd. You can be confident that when you successfully complete your education, you will be well prepared for your future and primed to let your light shine in an ever darkening world.

There are huge spiritual challenges in our world today and we are dedicated to ensuring your success as you face these challenges. Our prayer is that you will use the resources of the school to sharpen and guide your knowledge of God and His holy word. The school is poised to produce the future Bible teachers our world so desperately needs. We are aware of the changing times and are constantly exploring ways to improve your educational experience and to prepare you for whatever the days ahead may bring. 

To the new students, I would say you are now embarking on a great learning adventure and you may face challenges of varying degrees and nature. I am also sure that those challenges will be appreciated by you and valued for the spiritual growth they produce in your life. There is little doubt that as you engage in this course of study you will be preparing yourself to lead the way toward the needed change of tomorrow and that the world will be looking to you.

Website Extras

You may have noticed we have been adding extra features to the school's website. For instance, under the About option on the blue menu bar we have added links to view Student Newsletters, Student Comments and Recommended Videos.

The Student Newsletters button will take you to an archived list of all previous newsletters. This is a great way for new students to catch up on information about the school which was given in the past.

The Student Comments button takes you to a collection of quotes from other students. You will not only see what these students have been saying about the school but this resource helps you to appreciate the school's amazing diversity. We have students from over 100 different countries around the world.

The Recommended Videos button will take you to a page which will be continually updated with information concerning free videos available for online viewing which may be of interest to you. We continue to make improvements to the website in hopes of giving you the best possible experience as you study your Bible.

Special Invitation To Auditing Students

I would like to take this opportunity to invite the Auditing Students to upgrade their enrollment status to Informal or Formal. If you are an Auditing Student we encourage you to consider the advantages of upgrading your enrollment. If you upgrade you will not only have access to the videos and syllabus, but you will also have free access to the course notes, course books and tests.

Formal Students follow a set course schedule which is designed to make their progression through the Bible easier. The assignments include viewing all lessons, writing term papers and taking written exams. All of these will be graded and then returned to you electronically for your own records and future edification. Upon the completion of all the requirements for a course you will be issued a Certificate of Completion. You will receive a Graduation Diploma when you have successfully completed all required courses.

If you choose to be an Informal Student the requirements for each course are the same but you will be able to take the courses in any order you desire. Informal Students will receive certificates for each course but no diploma will be awarded.

If you want to remain an Auditing Student having no interest in upgrading your enrollment we completely understand. We commend you on your hard work and devotion. May God bless you as you continue your studies.

July 2015 Student Newsletter

Words from the Director

Russell Haffner

School Director: Russell Haffner

One of the most rewarding things we experience is the joy of education. Learning is an opportunity to discover something new. It is even more exciting when the discovery is found within the pages of the Bible. A great sense of accomplishment is felt when we begin to understand the meaning of a difficult Bible verse which once caused us so much confusion. It is like a light bulb lighting up. We see the truth so clearly. Sometimes we wonder why we could not see it before.

It is always helpful to have someone trustworthy guiding us in our understanding. When the Ethiopian was returning from Jerusalem in Acts 8 he was having difficulty comprehending the passage he was reading from the book of Isaiah. Philip asked him if he understood the things he was reading and he replied, "How can I, except some man should guide me?" He wanted Philip to study with him so he could learn the truth found in the Holy Scriptures.

When it comes to God's word we can all benefit from a reliable scholar's guidance. The instructors of the WVBS Online School have had years of study and experience teaching these courses. Every instructor who teaches in the school is presently, or has been, an instructor in a Bible training school. These men are among the finest teachers available today. We are honored to have them as a part of the school faculty bringing to you instruction from God’s word. As a graduate of the school you will have a comprehensive understanding of God's word and be fully qualified to teach the truth to others. Then those you teach can also experience the joy of discovering something new from the pages of God's word.

Website Changes

You may have noticed a change in the look of the lesson's list on each course page of the school website. We continue to make improvements to the website in hopes of giving you the best possible experience as you study in the school. Some of the changes are designed to accommodate those who access the school website using a smart phone. By means of a smart phone with internet capabilities you can access the school from any location where Wi-Fi connections are provided. The convenience of an online school is one of the best features of this form of education.

June 2015 Student Newsletter

Words from the Director

Russell Haffner

School Director: Russell Haffner

This is just a short note to encourage you in your studies. I am so pleased with your decision to study the Bible with the school. I know that your life will be greatly benefitted because of the choice you have made. Learning and living God's word will help you to be a good neighbor, a trustworthy friend, a dutiful spouse, a dedicated church member, a successful parent, an excellent employee, a responsible citizen and of greatest importance a loyal disciple of Jesus Christ. It is a Bible education that develops and promotes our God-given qualities as a person, preparing us to serve effectively in the many facets of life. Studying the Bible prepares the whole person for all aspects of life.

Let me assure you that as the Director I am always focused on and dedicated to your success. I am here for you. Please feel free to email me anytime I can be of help ( I want to make your learning as enjoyable and rewarding as possible. Thank you for being a part of the school. Working together we can make this endeavor a great experience for all.

Understanding God's Word

We can occasionally be overwhelmed by some of the complexities found in God's word. We may even fail to see the true simplicity and clarity of the information found in the scriptures. What approach should we use to gain a good understanding of God's word? We begin by reading the passage to arrive at a summary of what we think the verse means. We would also want to take note of the questions we have about our text. Our next step might be to search the Bible to find all other passages that deal with the same topic. It is essential that we understand not only the immediate context where the verse is found but also the remote context where the same subject is taught. It would also be helpful to write down everything we learn and any questions we might have.

We would want to consider several questions as we are examining the text such as:

  • What is the context?
  • Who wrote the text?
  • What do we know about the background of the writer?
  • To whom was it written, in what historical circumstance and for what purpose?
  • What questions are naturally produced from the text?
  • What is the text about?
  • What are the key words found in the text?

It is true that the Bible has some difficult passages to understand. However, God has given us His word in a way in which it can be understood. He expects us to be good and diligent students of the scriptures. The Bible continues to challenge us to learn more. We must push our minds toward greater understanding of the deep truths God supplies us. The Bible prods us toward a deeper and deeper study of God's will. If we are willing to put forth the effort, then we are fully capable of understanding what God's will is for our lives.

May 2015 Student Newsletter

Words from the Director

Russell Haffner

School Director: Russell Haffner

“Knowledge will bring you the opportunity to make a difference.” These words were spoken by distinguished nursing educator, Claire Mintzer Fagin (RN, Ph.D, FAAN and author of Essays on Nursing Leadership). In the world of health care the help one receives is often determined by the knowledge of the care givers. The more they know the better they are able to help. The question for those of us who are students of the Bible is, "Are we helping those around us with the knowledge we have gained from the study of God's word?" We can truly make a difference in the world by first applying what we have gained from God's word to our lives and then sharing that new found knowledge with others.

In James 1:19-22 we find, "So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God. Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves."

James begins his discussion of the application of truth by saying we must be "swift to hear." This means we must be eager to learn God's truth if we ever expect to reach the point of applying it to our own lives. We cannot live as we should if we refuse to listen to God's commands.

James also explains that in applying God's word to our lives we must "lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness." In other words we must be willing to make the necessary changes in our lives to please God. We will not be able to become a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17) if we refuse to give-up our old sinful habits (Ephesians 4:22).

The passage also tells us that we must "receive with meekness the implanted word." A meek reception of God's word is always required for one's submission to God's will. Our desire is for the word of God to rule in our hearts and in our lives. God's word must have the final say in all that we do and teach. Paul said in Romans 12:2, "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

If we are willing to do these things which James teaches we can be "doers of the word, and not hearers only." And when we are doers of the word we will be able to help those around us. Each one of us has a personal sphere of influence. We touch and shape the lives of those we come in contact with every day by our words and actions. It is a wonderful blessing to be able to make a difference in our world. Let us make sure we use our newly gained Bible knowledge to make a difference by helping others.

Words of Encouragement

The WVBS Online Bible School is composed of a great community of Bible students from all over the world. We have students from various cultures and 104 different countries. At the time of this writing there are over 5,800 students enrolled in the school. Of that number over 3,760 are Auditing the classes, over 1,000 are Informal Students, and over 1,040 are Formal Students. As you can see there are many others like you who desire to learn God’s word. You are part of an impressive and growing student body.

You may have noticed we have added to the school website a map which shows the cities around the world where we have students. The points only represent the city of a student and not a precise location. The map does not have any specific information about our students. At present the Auditing Students are not included on the map, so this means that even though you may not see a red dot in a certain country that does not mean we do not have a student from that country studying in the school. As a student of the school you are part of a worldwide quest for greater Bible knowledge.

How to Study as an Online Student

You may be wondering how you can get the most benefit from your online education. Taking online courses is a new and unique experience for many students. Allow me to offer a few suggestions to assist you in your studies.

  • I would first recommend that you try to create a consistent scheduled time to watch the online video classes. You will need to be disciplined in your efforts to successfully proceed through the 45 courses of the school.
  • As you are watching the videos you should also try to ensure that the displayed image is large enough for you to read any of the graphics which may appear in the presentation. The graphics are often very helpful in highlighting certain crucial points of the lesson.
  • The next tip may appear over simplistic, but I think it is also important for you to provide yourself with a comfortable venue to view the lessons. The length of some of the videos may become problematic if you are in an uncomfortable setting.
  • I would also suggest that as you progress through the courses you stay organized. This has always applied when attending a geographically located school but it is especially important when it comes to an online education. You may need to create for yourself a virtual office. This would be defined as a consistent workspace with all things needed for your study close at hand.

Perhaps these suggestions will help you to get the greatest benefit possible from the school.

April 2015 Student Newsletter

Words from the Director

Russell Haffner

School Director: Russell Haffner

It is sometimes said that true education is life itself not merely a preparation for life. I think this is especially true when it comes to Bible education. As we grow in our understanding of God's word we make application of the scriptures to our own lives and implement its teachings into our daily activities. The inspired apostle Paul tells us in Philippians 4:9, "What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you." Notice the promise we are given in this verse. If we put into practice the things we have learned from the scriptures we will be favored by our God.

Of course the first step to knowing God's word is reading God's word. We should make a diligent effort to spend as much time as possible filling our minds with the holy scriptures. In Proverbs 4:20 we read, "My son, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings." As we read the word of God we must make every effort to open our ears and give attention to its teachings.

The next goal is to study the word of God. Reading the Bible is not the same as studying the Bible. In 2 Timothy 2:15 we find, "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." Study of the Bible requires an in-depth examination of not only the verses, but also the words found in the verses, and the context in which the verse is found.

The next thing we should do is meditate upon God's word. We want to reflect upon the deep truths of the scriptures. The Psalmist explains that the righteous man's "...delight is in the law of the LORD, and on His law he meditates day and night" (Psalm 1:2). The more we contemplate the profound teachings of the holy scriptures the greater our understanding will be.

The next aspect to improve our Bible education is to implant it in our hearts. The Psalmist said, "I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you" (Psalm 119:11). The word must be established deep in our hearts if we are going to avoid sin.

Perhaps the most important step in our Bible education is applying the teachings of the Bible to our lives. James warns that we will be deceiving ourselves if we are simply hearers of the word and not doers of the word (James 1:22).

The goal of your education in the School should not be a certificate, or even a diploma. The goal should be an enriched life firmly grounded in the teachings of God's word. As students of the School you have access to a great opportunity. You are able to be instructed by great teachers of God's word. You will surely be blessed for your ongoing efforts. I commend you for your decision to challenge yourself to seek an education in God's word. 

How to Study for Tests

As you know Formal and Informal students are required to take tests as part of their studies. I have been asked at times, "How should I study for the tests?" Perhaps, the biggest difficulty is that when taking an exam for the school you must do it from memory. You are not allowed to view your course notes or a Bible during the testing process. Therefore, you are graded on how much you can remember from your study. However, please do not let this discourage you. When viewing the videos you will notice that on some courses key points are highlighted with an on-screen graphic display to help you remember the information. This will be seen as text on your screen. Take special note of these graphic displays because it is highly likely the material listed will be on the test.

Also Formal and Informal students are given the course notes to study in preparation for the exam. These are the same notes the instructors use as they teach the course. When you download the tests you are also able to preview the questions. This gives you an opportunity to study the course notes to make sure you are familiar with the material which will be on the test. Hopefully, these tips will assure your success on all upcoming tests.

How Do I Do That?

If you ever have questions about the school procedures or the testing process remember we have a Help Center link under the Contact Us selection on the blue menu bar of the school's website. The Help Center includes instructional how-to guides for such topics as: How to Register for a Course, How to "Mark Complete" Lessons, How to Download Tests, How to Open and Save Tests and How to Submit Completed Tests. Please let us know if you feel there are other questions that should be answered in this section. We want to make your online experience as simple and intuitive as possible.

March 2015 Student Newsletter

Words from the Director

Russell Haffner

School Director: Russell Haffner

Bible education is the most important investment a person can make for the future. It is critical to producing not only righteousness but also ultimate happiness. Therefore, we should diligently seek to learn God's word, realizing that it will require motivated effort on our part. Abigail Adams (wife of US president John Adams) said "Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence."

The Bible clearly teaches the importance of seeking knowledge. The book of Proverbs is a great resource to use when searching for God's view of education. In Proverbs 18:15 we find, "An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge." This tells us how important it is to actively seek knowledge. It is the intelligent heart that desires greater knowledge. The fool says to himself that he knows all things and has no need for more knowledge. We must open our minds to learning more truth.

In Proverbs 4:13 we are reminded to, "Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; keep her, for she is your life." Notice this teaches that not only must we obtain instruction but we must hold on to it tightly. Those of us who are older have at times struggled to remember something which we easily knew before. It is even possible to forget teachings from God's word if we do not keep the knowledge active in our minds.

Proverbs 9:9 says, "Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning." Clearly, there will always be more for us to learn from God's word. We never reach the point where we know all there is to know from the Bible. It is an inexhaustible fountain of wisdom, instruction and knowledge. God's word should be read and studied over and over again to gain a deeper understanding of the truths therein. Our future will be determined by how well we know and live the truths in God's word. May we always be diligent students of the Bible.

As a student of the school you have pushed yourself to meet the challenge of an in-depth, comprehensive study of the Bible. You will be blessed for your efforts. I commend you for your desire to seek a deeper understanding of God's truths.

In His Service,
Russell Haffner (Director)
WVBS Online School

How to Write a Research Paper

If you have never written a research paper before, you may be a bit overwhelmed when you discover that you will be required to submit term papers for some of the courses. Allow me to ease your fears. There is a very simple key to producing a great term paper. Write about a topic that interests you. If you are excited about a topic you will find it much easier to write about. Your natural enthusiasm will enhance your efforts.

In your paper you should seek to put as much of yourself into it as possible. Make sure it is your thoughts and analysis based on what you have learned. After you choose a topic that is close to your heart research all the Bible has to say about your topic. Then as you are writing explain what the Bible teaches and include application or life lessons for today. If you are writing about a Bible character you should emphasize how their choices are similar to the choices we make. Write about the strengths of the character to emulate or even their faults to avoid. Your term paper is a great opportunity to show what you have learned from the course.

February 2015 Student Newsletter

Words from the Director

Russell Haffner

School Director: Russell Haffner

George Fillmore Swain, professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University, stated in the preface of his book How To Study, "Education is an opportunity, nothing more. It will not guarantee success, or happiness, or contentment, or riches. Everything depends upon what development is produced by it and what use is made of it." Our academic program is structured to be both rigorous and challenging. We have found that students learn best when they experience tasks that push them to do more. Everything we do is with the greatest of intent, and we pay close attention to making use of the best practices in education. Our goal is to help you to obtain the best understanding possible of God's word. What you do with that knowledge is in your hands.

Swain also said, "What the student gets out of his education depends largely upon what he puts into it. The student is not an empty vessel to be pumped full of learning; he is a complex machine which education should help to run properly." Our students are not "empty vessels" to merely be filled. Our students represent a rich tapestry of cultural backgrounds and differing life experiences. We view this amazing diversity as one of our school’s most important strengths in an increasingly global and interconnected world. I am deeply proud of the school and am honored to have a small part in your education as you study the Bible. Your zeal and enthusiasm is a constant encouragement to me. May God receive the glory for the work of the school and your education.

In His Service,
Russell Haffner (Director)
WVBS Online School

Words of Encouragement

Why should we memorize the Bible? In Colossians 3:16 we find Paul telling the Christians in Colosse to, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom…" Memorizing God's word places it in our hearts and minds where it is always available to us. It transforms our mind so that we can know God's will for our lives (Romans 12:2). The memorized word helps us to stand against the temptations of our day to day challenges in this life. The Psalmist expressed to God, "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee" (Psalms 119:11). Memorized Bible text is a weapon to protect us against the worldly lies that surround each of us. As part of our Christian armor we take "…the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God" (Ephesians 6:13-18). When we put God's word into our minds we are better able to encourage others. In 1 Thessalonians 4:18, Paul told the Christians to comfort one another with God's word. Having the holy scriptures readily available in our hearts and minds is a great asset to our daily lives.

Pressing On

For over 28 years now WVBS ( has made teaching and study materials available for others to better learn God's word. Their goal is the same as it has always been, to serve God and His people by doing His will to the best of their ability. They are committed to producing and distributing excellent quality, scripturally sound, inexpensively priced Bible study material through video, audio and the written page. They also have hours of other great teaching videos online for free viewing at ( We are genuinely grateful for their willingness to provide their instructional videos to the online school for free viewing. The work of the school could not continue without their help.