October 2023 Student Newsletter

What Is the Purpose of Life?
Russell Haffner

In the book of Ecclesiastes, we find King Solomon seeking to answer this question. At the beginning of his reign, the wise king asked the Lord to give him wisdom and an understanding heart, which he considered to be more important than wealth, longevity, or victory over his enemies (1 Kings 3:9; 2 Chronicles 1:10-11). Solomon went on to explore every aspect of life on this earth, all its joys and sorrows, to discover the purpose and meaning of man's existence. He recorded the results of his findings as follows: "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man's all" (Ecclesiastes 12:13). The word "fear" in this verse comes from the Hebrew word that means, "to revere or show reverence." This is what motivates one to obey God's commands.

After all his searching Solomon found that the purpose of life is not in wealth, nor fame, nor power, nor physical pleasure, but in reverence for God and keeping His commandments. The life of a Christian is truly a life of meaning. It is lived with a sense of purpose. Barnabas encouraged Christians that "with purpose of heart they should continue with the Lord" (Acts 11:23). Paul praised Timothy because he had "carefully followed" Paul's "doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, perseverance" (2 Timothy 3:10).

Let us think about the purpose of our lives. All lives make an impact in this world, and our lives cannot be a power for good unless we make them a power for good. Let us strive to live meaningful lives submitting to God and Hs word.

How To Start Your Lessons

Perhaps you have enrolled in the school but have yet to start your first course. Beginning your studies is easy to do. Once you have logged in to your account, simply choose the course you would like to study from the "Course Schedule" option located on the blue menu bar of the school website http://school.wvbs.org/course-schedule/. The "Course Schedule" reflects the designated order that Formal Students must follow. Informal and Auditing Students are recommended, but not required, to follow this schedule.

Once you have selected the course you would like to study you need to register for the course by clicking the "Register" button located on the course page. When this is done, you will have full online access to the course. You can begin watching the videos immediately by clicking the "Lesson 1" link. From each lesson page you will be able to view a 30 to 40-minute video lesson presentation.

If you are a Formal or Informal Student you will not only see tabs on the course page for Description and Syllabus, but also for Exams, Course Notes (for some courses) and Course Books (for textbooks published by WVBS). Click on the appropriate tab and the document will be displayed. These materials are provided to Formal and Informal Students completely free online. If you desire printed pages, there is a "Print" button located to the upper-right of the displayed document where you can print personal copies.

You may register and begin viewing the courses at any time. There is no official start time for any of the courses. They are always available - 24/7. Why not start your lessons today?