April 2024 NewsLetter

Do You Know What The Bible Teaches?
Russell Haffner

As a student in the school you are to be commended for your desire to gain a better understanding of the Bible. Most of the people in the world do not really understand the Scriptures. Searching God’s word for the spiritual principles of life will reward you with a greater appreciation of why you are on this earth and what you should be doing with your life. Bible study will not only enhance your present existence, but it will also give you hope for an eternal life with God.

The courses in the school will educate you concerning the revealed facts and principles taught in the Bible. However, the courses will not present the countless speculations of some people in our day concerning things which have not been revealed in the Bible. It should be remembered that God's word is not designed to answer every idle curiosity we may have. If something is not revealed in the Scriptures it is not revealed for a reason - it is simply something we do not need to know for our salvation. The Bible gives us all the information we need to understand the glory of God and the salvation of man through Jesus Christ our Lord. We are always better served focusing on the things that we can actually know that God has revealed to us in His word.

Special Invitation to Auditing Students

I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to upgrade your enrollment from Auditing to Informal or Formal Student status. I want to thank you for making use of the videos provided by the school, but I encourage you to consider the advantages of upgrading your enrollment. If you upgrade your enrollment you will not only have access to the video Bible lessons, but you will also have free online viewing access to the teacher’s course notes, exams and some course books.

Formal Students follow a set course order which is designed to make the progression through the Bible easier. The assignments include viewing all video lessons, taking exams and writing research papers. Formal Students are issued a certificate of completion when they fully meet the requirements of a course. They receive a diploma when they have successfully completed all required courses.

Informal Students have the same requirements to meet for each course and cover the same material but they are allowed to take the courses in any order they desire. Informal Students receive certificates for each course but no diploma is awarded.

If you would like to change your status you will need to click on ENROLLMENT (https://school.wvbs.org/enrollment/) which is on the blue menu bar at the school website. When you have reached the enrollment page please select either the Formal or Informal Student Registration button. This will provide you with the form to fill out to change your status.

I completely understand if you have no interest in upgrading your enrollment. I commend you on your hard work and devotion to learning more about the Bible. God bless you as you continue in your studies. If I can answer any questions for you about the school please let me know(https://school.wvbs.org/about/contact-us/).