June 2023 Student Newsletter

Are You Looking To the Future?
Russell Haffner

As one of the students in the school you probably know that your fellow students come from many different countries and cultural backgrounds. However, they share many things in common with you. For example, I think all the students are looking for a better future and seeking that better future in God's word. A student from Singapore recently wrote to say:

"I have learned a lot and will learn a lot more as I embark on this wonderful journey with the WVBS Online Bible School. My relationship with God is already strengthened by the lessons and will continue to get stronger. The school has been an immense blessing. Words won't be enough to say how much I appreciate how you are preparing me for my future."

God wants you (and indeed all mankind) to have a blessed future. The instructions God has given in His word are there to direct us to that better life. We simply need to learn these truths and obey them. God will reward those who obey Him. Your desire to study God's word shows your dedication to a better future.

"I Lost My Password"

Perhaps you have lost your password and don’t know how to proceed. In our records student passwords are encrypted and not visible, but there are steps you can take to reset your password if it has been lost:

  1. From the homepage of the School, select the "LOGIN" button on the blue menu bar at the school website, which will take you to the bottom of the page to the login form.
  2. Choose the "Lost Password" link below the form.
  3. A new page asking for your email address will be presented. Simply enter the email address you used when setting up your account, click the reCAPTCHA checkbox and then click the "Get New Password" button.
  4. At this point an email will be sent to the email address you entered. In the email there will be a reset link to verify that you do indeed own the email address you entered.
  5. After clicking the reset link in your email, you will be given the opportunity to create a new password. The website will auto-populate the input field with a randomly generated set of characters, but you can type-in whatever you choose. Click the "Reset Password" button, then click on the WVBS Online Bible School logo to go to the main page and login using your new password. If you experience problems in resetting your password "please let us know"