Russell Haffner

There are many advantages to studying online at the WVBS Online Bible School. First, studying online provides flexibility. You can fit your study of the Bible more easily into your daily schedule of work and activities. This is especially easy to do since the classes do not require the students to login at a specific time for a live class session. The class videos are always available 24/7. You can study at your own pace.
By studying online, you are also able to choose your own learning environment. You can study where you want: be it at your kitchen table, your living room, the city library or the internet café downtown. You can choose what works best for your life.
Taking online courses also means you are not required to travel to go to the school building. This means more convenience and efficiency. Less time is wasted in the car or on a bus getting to and from class and more time is spent productively in study. You no longer have to worry about travelling in bad weather and perhaps missing an important class.
Studying online at the WVBS Online Bible School also means that you will not have to pay expensive fees. There is no tuition for the school. The only expense to the students would be a Bible (if not already owned) and the two books (which we do not have the publishing rights) required for certain courses (Greek, The Bible: From God to Us).
Taking the courses online also has the advantage of demanding self-discipline and responsibility. This should not be thought of as a disadvantage. It is actually a benefit to you that online study requires self-motivation, time-management skills and dedication. There will be no one forcing you to study. Therefore, your online courses will train you to become more self-motivated. This is an important trait to gain which will show benefits in all areas of your life. By the time you finish the courses, you will have not only gained self-discipline, but more importantly you will have gained a better understanding of God's word and learned new skills to help you in your spiritual life. The instructors make a special effort to present God's word so that it can be applied in a practical way to the daily life of the students.
I have only listed a few of the advantages to learning online but I know there are many more. Can you think of other reasons why you prefer to take online courses? Please contact me to share your ideas concerning the benefits and value of online study at the WVBS Online Bible School.
The WVBS Online Bible School is designed to provide students with an online, comprehensive, in-depth study of the Bible. The lessons are pure non-denominational teaching based on an accurate "drawing out" of what the Bible teaches, not reading into the text what someone might think it teaches. The courses cover every book in the Bible, plus four additional subjects which help you in your understanding of the scriptures (Christian Evidences, Hermeneutics, Greek and The Bible: From God to Us). The school is designed for anyone who wants a focused, organized and thorough study of the Bible.