Russell Haffner

I am always eager to tell others about the opportunities and resources available at the WVBS Online Bible School. It is a self-paced, online video correspondence school for students who want a focused, organized and in-depth study of the Bible. If you know anyone who would be interested in becoming a student please direct them to the school's address for enrollment ( We look forward to having your friends as students of the school. This could also serve as a benefit to you by having study partners to encourage you as you continue your work in the school.
The school covers every book in the Bible as well as a few other Bible related subjects. The courses are available for free on the internet with no tuition cost for enrollment. Our desire is to provide free, online Bible instruction to anyone who wishes to learn more about God's word. The instructors are faithful and Biblically sound Christian men and the content of the lessons is pure non-denominational teaching based on an accurate exegesis of the Bible.
The curriculum has 45 courses with over 960 video lessons which are each approximately 38 minutes long. The courses are studied at-your-own-pace and do not have any official start time, end time or duration. There are also no deadlines or due-dates for class assignments. Students are allowed to proceed through the courses according to their own schedule.
There are three levels of enrollment:
- Formal Students follow a designated course schedule which is designed to make their progression through the Bible easier. Their assignments include viewing all lessons, writing term papers and taking exams. These students are issued a certificate of completion when all course requirements are finished and a diploma when they have successfully completed all required courses.
- Informal Students have the same requirements for each course but they are able to choose the order of the courses they take. Informal Students receive certificates for each course but no diploma is awarded.
- Audit Students are not responsible for any of the course requirements such as exams and term papers and therefore do not have access to course notes, testing, or course books. These students may take the courses in any order they desire but they do not receive certificates for the courses they complete or a diploma when they finish all courses.
Perhaps you have lost your password and don’t know how to proceed. In our records we do not retain the passwords of the students, but there are steps you can take to reset your password if it has been lost:
- From the homepage of the School, select the "LOGIN" button on the blue menu bar at the school website, which will take you to the bottom of the page to the login form.
- Choose the "Lost Password" link below the form.
- A new page asking for your email address will be presented. Simply enter the email address you used when setting up your account, click the reCAPTCHA checkbox and then click the "Get New Password" button.
- At this point an email will be sent to the email address you entered. In the email there will be a reset link to verify that you do indeed own the email address you entered.
- After clicking the reset link in your email, you will be given the opportunity to create a new password. The website will auto-populate the input field with a randomly generated set of characters, but you can type-in whatever you choose. Click the "Reset Password" button, then click on the WVBS Online Bible School logo to go to the main page and login using your new password. If you experience problems in resetting your password please let us know.