Words from the Director

School Director: Russell Haffner
I trust this letter finds you in great spirits and enjoying life’s many wonderful blessings. For new students, welcome to the school. Our goal is to provide you a positive, dynamic and comprehensive resource for studying God’s word. We are eager to share with you the opportunities and advantages the school provides.
For current students, the focus is your continued spiritual growth as you pursue your education in the school. We want you to have a rewarding experience as you avail yourself of the materials provided. We understand there are many challenges in today’s life, so we want to make sure you have the educational resources necessary to prepare yourself spiritually for the life to come.
I strongly encourage all students to diligently pursue continued progress in your studies. Paul told the brethren in the region of Galatia, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (Galatians 6:9). There is a great harvest of knowledge to be gained as you study the course material. I want to do all I can to assist you in your efforts to learn more of God’s word. I am honored to serve you and would be pleased to answer any questions you may have concerning the school or the course materials.
How Long Will It Take?
It is difficult to say how long it will take to complete the courses. The curriculum has 45 courses with over 960 video lessons which are each approximately 38 minutes long. This would require over 600 hours just to view all the lessons. You would also need to consider the time needed to read each book of the Bible as well as the assigned course books. To this you must add the time needed to study and prepare yourself to take the tests and write the term papers and other class assignments.
As you can see there is no way to determine how long it will take for you to finish all the courses because the courses are studied at-your-own-pace and do not have any official start time, end time or duration. It will depend on how much time you have each day to devote to your studies. There are no limits on how many times you can access the courses as you view and study them. I am looking forward to working with you as you study God's word.
Course News
We are pleased to say that of the 45 courses of the curriculum we currently offer 44 for free online. Our final course (Daniel) should be online within the next few months. We also have all the tests available for our Formal and Informal Students to download directly from each course page. These students have online access not only to the course description and syllabus, but also the course notes, course books (which WVBS publishes), and tests. If you are an Auditing student, now would be a great time to enroll as either a Formal or Informal Student so you could also enjoy these great resources.