Curriculum / Course Schedule

The course order below reflects the designated order that Formal Students must follow. Informal and Auditing Students are recommended, but not required, to follow this schedule. All video courses are FREE online and also available for purchase on DVD from

Genesis 10-1202 25 2.0 START
Exodus 10-1224 16 1.0 START
Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy 10-1232 13 1.0 START
Matthew 10-2000 39 4.0 START
Christian Evidences 10-5302 28 3.0 START
Old Testament History 1 10-1290 13 1.0 START
Old Testament History 2 10-1350 15 1.0 START
Old Testament History 3 10-1390 12 1.0 START
Old Testament History 4 10-1470 9 1.0 START
Luke 10-2042 32 3.0 START
Acts 10-2080 36 3.0 START
Hermeneutics 10-3272 21 2.0 START
Greek 10-3200 35 3.0 START
Galatians 10-2162 15 2.0 START
Job 10-1540 30 3.0 START
Psalms 10-1562 22 2.0 START
Proverbs 10-1580 24 2.0 START
Ecclesiastes 10-1600 13 1.0 START
Song of Solomon 10-1620 6 0.5 START
John 10-2062 27 2.0 START
James 10-2382 17 2.0 START
1st and 2nd Peter 10-2390 24 2.0 START
1, 2, 3 John and Jude 10-2430 20 2.0 START
Isaiah 10-1640 24 2.0 START
Jeremiah and Lamentations 10-1650 15 1.0 START
Ezekiel 10-1700 18 1.0 START
Daniel 10-1722 24 2.0 START
Hebrews 10-2362 25 2.0 START
1 Corinthians 10-2122 32 3.0 START
2 Corinthians 10-2142 23 2.0 START
Minor Prophets 1 10-1730 27 2.0 START
Minor Prophets 2 10-1830 27 2.0 START
1 Timothy 10-2282 19 2.0 START
2 Timothy 10-2302 16 2.0 START
Titus 10-2322 10 1.0 START
Ephesians 10-2182 18 2.0 START
Colossians 10-2222 13 1.0 START
1 Thessalonians 10-2242 16 1.0 START
2 Thessalonians 10-2264 10 1.0 START
Philippians 10-2202 13 1.0 START
Philemon 10-2340 3 0.5 START
Romans 10-2102 24 2.0 START
Mark 10-2020 12 1.0 START
How We Got the Bible 10-5336 8 1.0 START
Revelation 10-2523 32 3.0 START

WVBS DVDs available for each courseFor offline student usage, DVDs and printed notebooks of each course are available and can be purchased from World Video Bible School.