Words from the Director

School Director: Russell Haffner
As the school begins a new year we welcome those who have newly enrolled and salute those who continue their studies. I encourage you to press on diligently and never doubt that you can fulfill your desire to complete the WVBS Online Bible School!
I realize that students enroll for many different reasons:
- To grow closer to God
- To increase their knowledge of the Bible
- To learn how to improve their spiritual service
- To discover and develop their talents for the Lord
- To learn how to become a better leader, teacher or member of the church
Regardless of your reason for studying with us I am glad you have chosen to be a part of the WVBS Online Bible School. I commend you for your desire to have a deeper understanding of God’s word. You have set an admirable goal in your life and I will do all I can to encourage you during your journey.
View a world map of currently enrolled students:
Students will now have free access to four exciting new videos covering Noah’s Ark and the Global Flood. These optional videos are provided as supplemental information to the Genesis Course. When you register for the Genesis Course you will find these videos on the Genesis Course page as well as the page for Genesis Lesson 6 which corresponds to the covering of this topic.
Throughout history Noah’s Ark and the Global Flood have been the focus of famous artwork, scholarly discussions, written works and public dramatizations. While some have accurately upheld the Genesis account, many more have distorted and abused the facts until subsequent generations struggle to determine fact from fiction. In order to distinguish the truth about Noah’s Ark, and to clear the fog-of-confusion, Branyon May (Ph.D.) plainly addresses the facts and clearly demonstrates “The Reality of Noah’s Ark.” This two-hour video series contains four parts addressing (1) the Ark, (2) the Animals, (3) the Global Flood, and (4) the story of Noah. Each part contains stunning visuals and concrete examples to strengthen your faith.
The Ark (26 minutes). When you think about the reality of Noah’s Ark, you might have questions about its size, its construction or its cargo. Have you ever asked, “Did Noah and his sons really build the Ark? Did they really live on it with all those animals for months? Or, how about the BIG question, How large was the Ark? Well, on these questions, we don’t have to be left wondering. In the Bible, God gives very precise details to Noah, especially on the question of how large the Ark was to be.
The Animals (26 minutes). Have you ever heard the questions: “How did Noah and his small family find and trap the animals? How did Noah transport the animals and house them all on the Ark?” These questions are common, but there is a problem with each. They are based on scenarios which do not come from the Bible and are not based on scientific facts. In studying the reality of Noah's Ark and its animals, we have to consider exactly what the Bible describes about this event.
The Global Flood (33 minutes). How big was the Great Flood found in the Bible? Was it a local flood affecting only the region around the Black Sea? Or, was it a global flood covering the entire world? As we consider these questions we need to focus on how the Bible describes this event. Join us as we look at internal and external evidences for the biblical flood: from the Bible’s precise terminology and descriptions, God’s detailed instructions to Noah, and life’s preservation.
The Story of Noah (39 minutes). Noah was born into a sinful and morally unraveling world. The Bible describes a world filled with violence, wickedness and corruption. How did the world fall into such awful conditions? What were the challenges that faced Noah and his wife, as they tried to raise their family? What was the path God wanted them to follow? Consider the biblical account of Noah's life and response to God.
"This school is the best. It helps me with my walk with God." (Missouri, USA)
"I'm looking forward to learning more with a systematic study of the Bible." (Qatar)
"Thank you so much sir. I hope to increase in knowledge and understanding and pray to gain wisdom." (West Virginia, USA)
"Thanks brethren for admission into the school. I hope I can do better and grow spiritually in God and preach His word." (India)
"I would like to learn more about the Bible to be able to answer questions for others and have knowledge to pass on that I can verify with the Bible." (Alabama, USA)
Fourth Bible Land Passages Video Now Available
Have you ever wished to visit the Bible lands? If you are not able to make the journey yourself the next best thing could be watching these programs. These instructional video presentations, shot on location, let you explore many of the religious and historical sites in Israel, Jordan and Palestine. They are produced by WVBS and are completely free to view online.
- "Passage 1 | Jerusalem: An Unforgettable City" is a 26-minute documentary about the significance and grandeur of the ancient city of Jerusalem, and its relationship to biblical history and thought.
- "Passage 2 | The Ministry of Jesus in Northern Israel" is a 17-minute video which explores three famous sites involved in Jesus’ public ministry: Cana, the Mount of Beatitudes, and Caesarea Philippi.
- "Passage 3 | Dan: City of Unfaithfulness" is a 17-minute documentary showing the significance of Dan as a center of idolatry and unfaithfulness to God.
- "Passage 4 | In the Shadow of Gilboa: Reaping & Sowing" is the newest video in the series and shows epic events in the life of the Israelite people during the time of the Judges and Kings of ancient Israel. Recorded on location in northern Israel, this 23-minute video examines several biblical events that occurred in and around Mt. Gilboa, Beit Shan, and the Jezreel and Harod Valleys. The lessons taught in these places offer truths as enduring as the beautiful settings in which they occurred. The achievements of Gideon and the tragic demise of King Saul are revealed in this thrilling documentary about what happens when you either sow to the Spirit or sow to the flesh.
These videos may be found under the "About" option on the blue menu bar by clicking the Recommended Videos link. When you click this button you will be taken to a page which will be continually updated with information concerning free videos available for online viewing which may be of interest to you.