Words from the Director

New Director: Russell Haffner
As of the first of this year I have assumed different duties here and Russell Haffner has joined us as the new school director. Russell comes fully qualified for this position. After graduating from college he continued his education in two additional years in extensive and advanced study in a Bible training school. Since that time he has served as a local minister for 24 years. We believe Russell is the right man to help you as you progress through the courses.
For the School, Chuck Horner
This is the first of our school newsletters that will be coming your way to keep you abreast of current events here in the school. We hope you will enjoy the newsletters and find them helpful.
Words of Encouragement
WVBS Online Bible School is composed of a great community of Bible students from all over the world. We have students from various cultures and many different countries. There are many others like you who desire to learn God’s word. You are part of an impressive and growing student body.
The school faculty have had years of study and experience teaching these courses in a classroom setting. Every instructor who teaches in the school is presently, or has been, an instructor in a Bible training school. These men are among the finest teachers available today. We are honored to have them as a part of the school faculty and bring to you instruction from God’s word. As a student of the school you are now a part of this great history.
Pressing On
We are so proud of each and every one of you and your willingness to learn more about God’s word. Your viewing of the school’s online videos is a great encouragement to us. We hope that you will enjoy your studies and tell others about your experience. If you are an auditing student please consider becoming an informal student. If you are an informal student please consider becoming one of our formal students. You are doing an amazing thing by studying your way through the Bible. Keep up the good work!