Russell Haffner
As you study in the school you will soon discover that the level of instruction is equal to and even far superior to many degree granting colleges and universities. If you have completed your first course, then you already know this to be true. The instructors have had years of combined study and experience teaching these courses in a classroom setting. These men are among the finest teachers available today. We are honored to have them as part of the school’s faculty. As you study the courses you will be blessed. A student wrote to say -
"I recently completed courses of study on the Old Testament books of the Pentateuch. I am so grateful for the opportunity to study God’s word through your program. I really enjoyed the study of these first five books of the Bible, which was so aptly taught by Chuck Horner. Mr. Horner’s passion for the word of God and his presentations made me dig deeper into the word. I thank him for his enthusiasm and his engagement with the online audience which made the courses most interesting. I look forward to continued studies in the school. Thank you so much for making these courses available to the public."
If you have not yet started your first course you can begin today. The courses are designed to be studied at-your-own-pace. You can view the lessons on your own time schedule. The school material is always here for you to use in a manner that best fits into your life. May God bless you as you study His word.
The WVBS Online Bible School is designed to provide students with an online, comprehensive, in-depth study of the Bible. The lessons are pure non-denominational teaching based on an accurate "drawing out" of what the Bible teaches, not reading into the text what someone might think it teaches. The courses cover every book in the Bible, plus four additional subjects which help you in your understanding of the scriptures (Christian Evidences, Hermeneutics, Greek and How We Got the Bible). The school is designed for anyone who wants a focused, organized and thorough study of the Bible.