Russell Haffner

If you are currently an Auditing student in the school I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to upgrade your enrollment to either Informal or Formal status. I encourage you to consider the advantages of advancing your enrollment to the next level. If you upgrade your enrollment you will not only have access to the videos and syllabus, but you will also have free online viewing access to the teacher’s course notes, some course books and exams. A student recently had this to say:
"I tried a different online Bible school previously but the WVBS Online Bible School is a lot better. First, your program feels more like a school. While the other program had online videos for each class, they did not have extensive study notes, term papers, exams and memory verses. Your program feels far more intense and so when we put forth the effort, we really gain a lot from God's Word. Secondly, I like how lessons are about 40 minutes in length while the other program was about 90 minutes in length. I personally start to lose attention around the 30 minute mark and so it is a real struggle when classes go over an hour. One thing I do like about both programs is the detail of coverage of the text, the application to modern times, the connection to the NT and the life of Christ, and how the instructor challenges us to live out our Christian life with integrity before the Lord."
If you want to remain an auditing student having no interest in upgrading your enrollment I completely understand. However, if you decide to advance your status you simply need to login to your account and then click on ENROLLMENT which is on the blue menu bar at the school website. When you have reached the enrollment page you can select either the Formal or Informal Student Registration button. This will provide you with a form to fill out to change your status. I commend you on your hard work and devotion. May God bless you as you continue your studies.
We hope you are enjoying the free courses provided by the WVBS Online Bible School. The school is designed to give students an online, comprehensive, in-depth study of the Bible. The lessons are pure non-denominational teaching based on an accurate "drawing out" of what the Bible teaches, not reading into the text what someone might think it teaches. The courses cover every book in the Bible, plus four additional subjects which help you in your understanding of the scriptures. The 45 courses are currently available to the students for free online viewing. We would love to hear your opinion of the courses. Your comments, suggestions and even criticisms would be appreciated.