Russell Haffner

I recently read about a prediction made by Hans Vestburg (former CEO of Ericsson) who said that by the year 2021 there will be over 28 billion devices able to go online. We are certainly living in exciting times. Advances in technology are making it possible for us to connect with people all over the world. The WVBS Online Bible School currently has students from over 140 different countries. It is exciting to think that even though the students may be divided by great distances they are closely united in their desire to learn the Bible.
You are part of a global community seeking a better understanding of God’s word. It reminds me of the apostle Paul’s words to those at Ephesus when he said, "See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is" (Ephesians 5:15-17). You are showing great wisdom as you seek to make the best use of your time to better understand "the will of the Lord" in a world which is becoming increasingly evil.
My prediction is that in the years to come we will see thousands more demonstrating this same wisdom as they join you as fellow students in the school. As the availability of the internet expands we know that countless others will gain access to this valuable resource. I commend you because you have seen the benefit of the school and have resolved to seek a better understanding of God’s truth as you attempt to fashion yourself into a vessel of honor and holiness. Just as Paul taught in 2 Timothy 2:19-21,
"Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: 'The Lord knows those who are His,' and, 'Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.' But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and some for dishonor. Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work."
Let us each seek to be sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work.
Can I Change My Email Address?
If you would like to change the email address for your account there is no need to enroll again. The email address is used to track your progress in the school so if you enroll again with a new email address the record of your progress will be lost. Here are the steps to update your email address:
- Go to the Online Bible School and Login to your student account.
- Go to the "My Dashboard" menu option.
- Click on the "My Profile" tab under the "My Dashboard" title.
- This section provides information about your account and student status.
- There is an input where you can update your email address.
- Type in your new email address and click on the "Save All Changes" button.
Have you ever wished to visit the Bible lands? If you are not able to make the journey yourself the next best thing could be watching these programs. These instructional video presentations, shot on location, let you explore many of the religious and historical sites in Israel, Jordan and Palestine. They are produced by WVBS and are completely free to view online.
- "Passage 1 | Jerusalem: An Unforgettable City" is a 26-minute documentary about the significance and grandeur of the ancient city of Jerusalem, and its relationship to biblical history and thought.
- "Passage 2 | The Ministry of Jesus in Northern Israel" is a 17-minute video which explores three famous sites involved in Jesus’ public ministry: Cana, the Mount of Beatitudes, and Caesarea Philippi.
- "Passage 3 | Dan: City of Unfaithfulness" is a 17-minute documentary showing the significance of Dan as a center of idolatry and unfaithfulness to God.
- "Passage 4 | In the Shadow of Gilboa: Reaping & Sowing" is a 23-minute video which examines several biblical events that occurred in and around Mt. Gilboa, Beit Shan, and the Jezreel and Harod Valleys.
- "Passage 5 | Treasures of Qumran: The Dead Sea Scrolls" is a 24-minute documentary offering the viewer a tour of the home of an ancient Jewish sect thought responsible for producing the Dead Sea Scrolls.
- "Passage 6 | Judah: David's Training Ground of Faith" is a 26-minute documentary about one of the ancient tribal territories of Israel and its relationship to the early life of King David. Filmed on location the film examines the historical account and poetic literature associated with one of Israel’s greatest heroes, and how the terrain, climate, and environs of Judah served as an important element in shaping his faith. This Passage will forever change the way you read the Bible, and especially the Psalms.
These videos may be found under the "About" option on the blue menu bar by clicking the "Recommended Videos" link. When you click this button you will be taken to a page which will be continually updated with information concerning free videos available for online viewing which may be of interest to you.