Words from the Director

The mark of distinction for any Bible school lies in the quality of the product it delivers for the benefit of the world. If a school is to be effective the curriculum must be sound, comprehensive and practical. I am sure this is what you were looking for when you first came upon the school.
What makes a particular Bible school stand out from among the crowd? It takes an exemplary faculty using clear and logical teaching methods stressing the fundamentals of the faith to attract top-quality students like yourself. Quite simply, this is the level of education offered at the WVBS Online Bible School and this is what sets us apart from the crowd. You can be confident that when you successfully complete your education, you will be well prepared for your future and primed to let your light shine in an ever darkening world.
There are huge spiritual challenges in our world today and we are dedicated to ensuring your success as you face these challenges. Our prayer is that you will use the resources of the school to sharpen and guide your knowledge of God and His holy word. The school is poised to produce the future Bible teachers our world so desperately needs. We are aware of the changing times and are constantly exploring ways to improve your educational experience and to prepare you for whatever the days ahead may bring.
To the new students, I would say you are now embarking on a great learning adventure and you may face challenges of varying degrees and nature. I am also sure that those challenges will be appreciated by you and valued for the spiritual growth they produce in your life. There is little doubt that as you engage in this course of study you will be preparing yourself to lead the way toward the needed change of tomorrow and that the world will be looking to you.
Website Extras
You may have noticed we have been adding extra features to the school's website. For instance, under the About option on the blue menu bar we have added links to view Student Newsletters, Student Comments and Recommended Videos.
The Student Newsletters button will take you to an archived list of all previous newsletters. This is a great way for new students to catch up on information about the school which was given in the past.
The Student Comments button takes you to a collection of quotes from other students. You will not only see what these students have been saying about the school but this resource helps you to appreciate the school's amazing diversity. We have students from over 100 different countries around the world.
The Recommended Videos button will take you to a page which will be continually updated with information concerning free videos available for online viewing which may be of interest to you. We continue to make improvements to the website in hopes of giving you the best possible experience as you study your Bible.
Special Invitation To Auditing Students
I would like to take this opportunity to invite the Auditing Students to upgrade their enrollment status to Informal or Formal. If you are an Auditing Student we encourage you to consider the advantages of upgrading your enrollment. If you upgrade you will not only have access to the videos and syllabus, but you will also have free access to the course notes, course books and tests.
Formal Students follow a set course schedule which is designed to make their progression through the Bible easier. The assignments include viewing all lessons, writing term papers and taking written exams. All of these will be graded and then returned to you electronically for your own records and future edification. Upon the completion of all the requirements for a course you will be issued a Certificate of Completion. You will receive a Graduation Diploma when you have successfully completed all required courses.
If you choose to be an Informal Student the requirements for each course are the same but you will be able to take the courses in any order you desire. Informal Students will receive certificates for each course but no diploma will be awarded.
If you want to remain an Auditing Student having no interest in upgrading your enrollment we completely understand. We commend you on your hard work and devotion. May God bless you as you continue your studies.